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Former DNA Bridge Consortium

The Consortium formed in November 2020 to unite experts on family reunification. The Consortium drafted and published a strategy in 2021 in Science Magazine.


In late 2022, DNA Bridge evolved into a non-profit entity. Below are its original consortium members.


Saul Rodriguez

Universidad Gerardo Barrios

San Miguel, El Salvador


Richard Selden

Founder and Chief Scientific Officer of ANDE Corporation, a Rapid DNA technology company

Cambridge, MA


Mishel Stephenson

Laboratory Director of the Guatemala Forensic Anthropology Team



Jonathan Tabak

Director of Global Market Development for Human Identification at Thermo Fisher Scientific, a laboratory equipment and reagent company and provisor of human identification technologies

New Orleans, LA


Patrícia Vásquez

Forensic geneticist with Pro-Búsqueda

El Salvador

strategy team


Kathryn Hampton

Senior Officer of the Asylum Program at Physicians for Human Rights

New York, NY


Diana Madden

Research Coordinator at Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago 

Chicago, IL


Ranit Mishori

Senior Medical Advisor to Physicians for Human Rights and Professor of Family Medicine at Georgetown University School of Medicine

Washington, DC


Armani Niko Porter

DNABridge Outreach Coordinator

Durham, NC

advisory board

steering committee


Sara Huston

Research Assistant Professor at Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago & the Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University

Chicago IL

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Elizabeth (Liz) Barnert

Associate Professor of Pediatrics at The David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

Los Angeles, CA


Maria Veronica (Vero) Svetaz

Assistant Professor of Family Medicine and Community Health at the University of Minnesota School of Medicine, Medical Director of Aqui Para Ti/Here for You youth development program, and Diversity Committee Chair for the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine

Minneapolis, MN

operations team

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Howard Cash

President and CEO of Gene Codes Corp, and President of Gene Codes Forensics

Ann Arbor, MI


Michael Hennessey

Director for Human Identification, Gene Codes Forensics

Ann Arbor, MI


Mariana Herrera Piñero

Director of the Argentin Banco Nacional de Datos Geneticos (Genetic Data National Bank)



Andreas Kleiser

Director for Policy and Cooperation at the International Commission on Missing Persons

The Netherlands


Thomas J Parsons

Former Director of Science and Technology at the International Commission on Missing Persons

Costa Rica


Fredy Peccerelli

Forensic anthropologist, Director and founding member of the Guatemala Forensic Anthropology Team


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Jennifer K Wagner

Assistant Professor of Law, Policy, and Engineering in the School of Engineering Design, Technology, and Professional Programs at Penn State and a licensed attorney

State College, PA


Curren Warf

Clinical Professor of Pediatrics (retired) at BC Children’s Hospital and the University of British Columbia School of Medicine in Vancouver. He previously was a pediatrician and adolescent medicine specialist at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and the University of Southern California School of Medicine. He is Emeritus fellow of the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine

San Francisco, CA


Thomas J White

Senior Research Fellow at the Human Rights Center, School of Law, University of California, Berkeley. Formerly, he was the Senior VP of Research & Development at Celera Corp and at Roche Molecular Systems

Berkeley, CA


Dan Berger

Partner at the law firm of Curran, Berger & Kludt, an Honorary Fellow of the American Academy of Adoption Attorneys, on the Legal Advisory Board of the Presidents’ Alliance on Immigration & Higher Education, and a member of the USCIS Case Assistance Committee for the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA)

Northampton, MA


Carla Easter

Assistant Director for Education, Outreach, and Visitor Experience at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

Washington, DC


Henry Erlich

Senior Scientist at Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute and a full Adjunct Professor at the University of California San Francisco Benioff Children’s Hospital

Oakland, CA

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Ana Forcinito

Professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies and the Human Rights Program. She is also the holder of the Arsham and Charlotte Ohanessian Chair, in the College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota

Minneapolis, MN


Cristina Kapustij

Chief of the Policy and Program Analysis Branch at the National Human Genome Research Institute

Bethesda, MD


Michael Stebbins

Science policy advisor 

Washington, DC

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Eric Stover

Faculty Director and Adjunct Professor of Law and Public Health at the Human Rights Center, School of Law, University of California, Berkeley

Berkeley, CA

DNA Bridge

is a 501(c)3 organization



2102 University Dr

Durham, NC 27707



2607 Westridge Road

Los Angeles, CA 90049



phone: 410.533.7387

federal tax ID: 94-3291996

CA corp #: C2066193


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